Thursday, June 9, 2011

TRIA Laser Hair Removal System

TRIA Laser Hair Removal System

 Before I started my blog I was very serious about using the Tria Laser Hair Removal System and I even went to the extent to order one for myself.  I made the mistake of ordering the product off of eBay therefore I ended up with a counterfeit item.  My Tria went out after about two uses so I was never able to truly experience the program for myself.  

The TRIA Laser Hair Removal System provides you with an at-home option for laser hair removal. It’s designed to work with medium to dark hair on fair to medium skin tones. There is a built-in skin sensor that will help you determine if this product is suitable for your skin tone. If it is, the device will unlock automatically and you’ll be able to use it.

The TRIA Laser Hair Removal System claims to “free you from a lifetime of shaving, waxing, ingrown hairs and razor burn”. Whether it lives up to these claims or not is debatable. Some people love this product and others feel like it simply does not live up to the claims. You can read our summary of the reviews below for a little more information.

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