Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hilarious Pictures of the Office Characters

Inspirational Quotes

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value -  Albert Einstein

Inspiration and genius--one and the same - Victor Hugo

Love and Be Loved! - Unknown

Marshall Likes to BS people - Guy next door.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What is a laser? Laser Hair Removal

What is a laser? Laser Hair Removal

  • Light Amplification by the 
  • Stimulated 
  • Emission of 
  • Radiation. 
Lasers work by producing an intense beam of bright light that travels in one direction. The laser beam can gently vaporize and/or ablate skin tissue to improve wrinkles, scars and blemishes, seal blood vessels or cut skin tissue.
The laser's unique abilities allow it to produce one specific color (wavelength) of light, this light (wavelength) can be varied in its intensity and pulse duration. The newest laser systems have become remarkably precise and selective, allowing treatment results and safety levels not previously available. New lasers can be used to do cornea surgery, laser hair removal, and even engrave your dogs name into it's identity tag.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Unwanted Hair

Unwanted Hair
Women usually produce low levels of male hormones. But if your body makes too much of this hormone, you may have unwanted hair growth which can lead to an enormous amount of discomfort and self dis-respect.
In the majority of the cases that we've seen, the exact cause is never identified. It tends to run in families especially if the genes are from the grandma. In general, hirsutism is a harmless condition. But many women find it bothersome, or even embarrassing.
A common cause of hirsutism is (PCOS). Women with PCOS and other hormone conditions that cause unwanted hair growth may also have acne, problems with menstrual periods, trouble losing weight, and diabetes. If these symptoms start suddenly, you may have a tumor that releases male hormones.
Other, rare causes of unwanted hair growth may include:
  • Tumor or cancer of the adrenal gland
  • Tumor or cancer of the ovary
  • Hyperthecosis (a condition in which the ovaries produce too much male hormones)
  • Use of certain medicines, including testosterone, danazol, anabolic steroids, glucocorticoids, cyclosporine, minoxidil, and phenytoin
Rarely a woman with hirsutism will have normal levels of male hormones, and the specific cause of the unwanted hair growth cannot be identified.

Care in the Home:

Hirsutism is generally a long-term problem. There are a number of ways to remove or treat unwanted hair. Some treatment effects last longer than others.
  • Weight loss in overweight women can reduce hair growth.
  • Bleaching or lightening hair may make it less noticeable.
Temporary hair removal options include:
  • Shaving does not cause more hair to grow, but the hair may look thicker.
  • Plucking and waxing are fairly safe and are not expensive. However, they can be painful and there is a risk for scarring, swelling, and skin darkening.
  • Chemicals may be used, but most have a bad odor.
Permanent hair removal options include;
Electolysis uses electrical current to permanently damage individual hair follicles so they do not grow back. This method is expensive and multiple treatments are needed. Swelling, scarring, and redness of the skin may occur.
Laser hair removal uses laser aimed at the dark color (melanin) in the hairs. This method is best if a very large area needs to be treated, and only if the hair is particularly dark (does not work on blond or red hair).

Contact a Medical Professional:

Call your health care provider if:
  • The hair grows really fast
  • You also have male features such as acne, deepening voice, increased muscle mass, and decreased breast size

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Influence of Hair-Removal Methods on Wound Infections

The Influence of Hair-Removal Methods on Wound Infections
Laser Hair Removal methods can seriously infect any wounds that a person has while taking the operation.  My dad works in a trona mine in Wyoming and the trona acts as a cleaner when it interacts with open wounds.  I am thinking that trona and laser hair removal lasers are similar in their effects on open wounds.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Laser Hair Removal Layton Utah

Laser Hair Removal Layton Utah

In Layton Utah you can get very professional laser hair removal care.  I was about to go to a salon in the mall but then I heard an ad on the radio offering a free trial and I accepted.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



 Hirsutism affects women and sometimes men, since the rising of androgen causes a male pattern of body hair, sometimes excessive, particularly in locations where women normally do not develop terminal hair within their puberty (chest, abdomen, back and face) The medical term for excessive hair growth that affect both men and women is hyperthyroidism.

Hirsutism can start by either an increased level of androgens, the male hormones, or an oversensitivity of hair follicles to androgen. Hormones such as testosterone stimulate hair growth, increase size and boost the growth and pigmentation of hair. Other symptoms associated with a high level of male hormones include acne and deepening of the voice and increased muscle mass.
Growing evidence implicates high circulating levels of insulin in women for the development of hirsutism. This theory is speculated to be consistent with the observation that obese (and thus presumably insulin resistant hyperinsulinemic) women are at high risk of becoming hirsute. Further, treatments that lower insulin levels will lead to a reduction in hirsutism.
It is speculated that insulin, at high enough concentration, stimulates the ovarian theca cells to produce androgens. There may also be an effect of high levels of insulin to activate the insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) receptor in those same cells. Again, the result is increased androgen production.
The following may be some of the conditions that may increase a woman's normally low level of male hormones:
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, abbreviated PCOS, (the most common)
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, in turn mostly caused by 21-α hydroxylase deficiency
  • Cushing's disease
  • Stromal Hyperthecosis - in postmenopausal women
  • Obesity: As there is peripheral conversion of androgens to estrogen in these patients, this is the same mechanism as polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

-Benefits of Laser Hair Removal-

Do you ever cut yourself while you're shaving your legs?  
When I first started shaving my legs I knew that I was going to cut myself at sometime and since I hate blood and pain that was not the most pleasing knowledge.  I was very cautious when I first started so I didn't cut myself in the first three months.  I also used really expensive razors that I knew would help prevent accidents while shaving.  As I got more experienced I spent less time shaving and as I got less financially stable I spent less money on my razors.  This was not a very good combination because with less time and lower quality razors I started cutting myself at least twice a week.  I still have an inch long scar on the outside of my ankle from a time that I got in to big of a hurry and sliced all the skin off.   

When I graduated high school my parents surprised me with three laser hair removal sessions.  I was very nervous when I went to my first session because I didn't know the person that would be doing the operation, I was scared of lasers, and I was mostly scared of the related side effects that go along with laser hair removal.  

First Session:
In my first session I walked into the office and was greeted very openly by several of the assistants.  They took me into a side room where they asked me a couple questions to determine my goals and then the doctor came in.  He was very friendly and professional.  He spent about thirty minutes going over each of my legs.  He went a little above the knee so I was very worried but he assured me that he would complete the rest once my body reacted positively to the operation.

Second Session:
I was greeted again, taken into the office, given some water, and promptly met by the doctor.  He spent about 15 minutes going over each of my legs and spent the other 15 minutes going all the way up to my waist.  I wasn't as nervous on the second visit because the doctor was professional, the procedure was painless, and the environment was friendly and inviting.
Third Session:
The doctor walked me into his office and showed me pictures and diagrams of exactly what my body had gone through during the procedure.  He showed me the before and after pictures and I was very pleased to see how my legs had turned out!  I was so happy because he helped me learn how to take better care of my legs and how to prevent the hair from coming back by taking certain nutrients and eating right.

I was so happy!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Saturday, October 1, 2011